Brokerage, Competition and Technology 

Dr. Mariana G. Andrade-Rojas' website

Research Interests

My main research interests lie in the intersection of Information Systems, Data Analytics, and Strategic Management. I mainly focus in four areas:

IT Strategy

  • IT business value
  • Cybersecurity
  • IT-enabled innovation

Data Analytics

  • Network Analysis
  • Data visualization
  • Content Analysis

Embedded Economy

  • Networked business models
  • Collaboration networks
  • Co-opetition networks

Competitive Dynamics

  • Competition networks
  • Strategic resource allocation
  • Multi-market competition

Journal Publications

  1. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Ramirez Solis, E., Zhu, J. 2018. “Innovation and Network Multiplexity: R&D and the concurrent effects of two collaboration networks in an emerging economy” Research Policy, 47(6), pp. 1111-1124. ( (Impact factor: 9.473; Journal in the FT50 list, regarded as the leading journal in the field of innovation studies). This was my PhD summer research paper, and I am the lead author.

  2. Saldanha, T., Sahaym, A., Mithas, S., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Kathuria, A., Lee, HH. 2020. “IT-enabled Social Integration Capacity and Exploratory Innovation: The Role of Global Cultural Diversity and Global Geographical Dispersion” Information Systems Research (31:2), pp. 361-382. (

  3. Khuntia, J., Kathuria, A., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Saldanha, T., Celly, N. 2021. “How Foreign and Domestic Firms Differ in Leveraging IT-enabled Supply Chain Information Integration in BOP Markets: The Role of Supplier and Client Business Collaboration” Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 22(3), p. 6. ( 

  4. Andrade-Rojas, M. G., Kathuria, A., Konsynski, B. R. 2021. “Competitive Brokerage: How Information Management Capability and Collaboration Networks Act as Substitutes” Journal of Management Information Systems, 38(3), P. 667-703.( was my dissertation paper, and I am the lead author. 

  5. Andrade-Rojas, M. G., Li, Y., Zhu, J. 2022. “The social and economic outputs of SME-GSI research collaboration in an emerging economy: An ecosystem perspective” Journal of Small Business ManagementP. 1-44. ( (Impact factor: 6.881; first journal dedicated to small business management and entrepreneurship; leader in the field of small business research). Equal contributions among the co-authors.

  6. Andrade-Rojas, M.G., Saldanha T., Kathuria, A., Khuntia, J., Boh, W.F. 2024. “How IT Overcomes Deficiencies for Innovation in SMEs: Closed Innovation versus Open Innovation” Information Systems Research (in press). (  

  7. Saldanha, T., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Kathuria, A., Khuntia, J., Krishnan, M.S. “How the Locus of Uncertainty Shapes the Influence of CEO Long-term Compensation on Firm IT Investment: A Risk-oriented Dominant Logic Perspective” Accepted in MIS QuarterlyI share first co-authorship of this paper with Saldanha, T.

  8. Andrade-Rojas, M.G., Kathuria, A., Lee, HH. 2024. “Multilevel Synergy of IT for Operational Integration: Competition Networks and Operating Performance” Production and Operations Management, 33(5), P. 1116-1141. (

  9. Andrade-Rojas, M.G., Erskine, M. 2024. “The Effects of Bribery on the Digitization of Latin American Firms” Information Systems Journal, P. 1–37. (

Selected Papers Under Review

  1. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Saldanha, T., Rahmati, P., Tiwana, A. “How IT Investments Reduce Corporate Fraud: Role of Firm and Industry Complexities” submitted to Information Systems Research.

  2. Kathuria, A., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Saldanha T., Konsynski, B. “How Uncertainty Shapes the Effects of Digital Channel Assortment and Digitized Service Assortment on Firm Operating Performance” third round of review in Production and Operations Management.

  3. Chaturvedi, D., Kathuria, A., Andrade-Rojas, M.G., Saldanha, T. “Navigating the Paradox of IT Novelty and Strategic Conformity: The Moderating Role of Industry Dynamism”, revise and resubmit at Information Systems Research.

Working Papers (selected work)

  1. Andrade Rojas, M.G., “The Green Innovation Trinity: Government, Firms, and Green Digitization” under final preparation for submission to MIS Quarterly.

  2. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Kathuria, A., Sahaym, A., Farhoomand, A.  “Information Management Capability, R&D and Marketing effects on Competition Networks” under final preparation for submission to POMS.

  3. Andrade Rojas, M.G., “The Effects of Policy Changes and Technology Usage in the Justice System to Reduce Cyberbullying: A Natural Experiment in an Emerging Economy” under final preparation for submission to Information Systems Research.

  4. Rahmati, P., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Saldanha, T., Tiwana, A. “How IT Investments Reduce Corporate Fraud: Role of Firm and Industry Complexities” under preparation for submission to Information Systems Research

  5. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Tung L.L., Karahanna, E. “Media Richness and Cyberbullying Victims’ Response: A Country Wide Investigation” under preparation for submission to MIS Quarterly.

  6. Zheng, Y., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Boh, W.F., “Antecedents and Consequences of Disagreements in The Blockchain Space: A Network Perspective” theory writing in progress.

  7. Chaturvedi, D., Kathuria, A., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Saldanha, T. “Navigating the Paradox of IT Novelty and Strategic Conformity: The Moderating Role of Industry Dynamism”, submitted to ICIS 2023.

  8. Sonpatki. R., Kathuria, A., Andrade Rojas, M.G. “Impact of Adverse Climatic Events on Firm IT Portfolios”, submitted to ICIS 2023. 

  9. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Tung L.L., “Personal and Environmental Attributes in Cyberbullying Victimization in Adults” under preparation.

  10. Andrade Rojas, M.G., “Policy Influence on Customers’ Online Reviews: An Experimental Perspective” under preparation. 

  11. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Yang E., Chang, X., “Information Technology and Regulations as deterrents of Corporate Corruption” under preparation.

  12. Kathuria, A., Saldanha, T., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Khuntia, J., Hah, H., Mithas, S. “Information Signals in Digital Platform Ecosystems: The Role of Skill and Achievement Signals” under preparation.

Selected Conferences Proceedings and Presentations 


  1. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Kathuria, A. 2014. “Competitive Brokerage: External Resource Endowment and Information Technology as Antecedents” Best Student Paper Runner-up Award and Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting (OCIS Division), Philadelphia. (
  2. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Kathuria, A. 2014. “Do Technological Resources Influence Competitive Brokerage? An Analysis in a Competition Network”. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual (AOM) Meeting (TIM Division), Philadelphia. (
  3. Kathuria, A., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Saldanha, T., Khuntia, J. 2014. “Extent versus Range of Service Digitization: Implications for Firm Performance”. Proceedings of the Twentieth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Savannah. (
  4. Celly, N., Kathuria, A., Han, M., Andrade Rojas, M.G. 2014. “Succeeding in Emerging Market Environments: Towards Strategic Multidexterity”. Paper presented at Strategic Management Society Sydney Special Conference 2014, Sydney. (
  5. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Kathuria, A. 2014. “Competitive Brokerage, Information Technology and Internal Resources”. Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Auckland, New Zealand. (
  6. Kathuria, A., Andrade Rojas, M. G., Saldanha, T., & Khuntia, J. (2014). Service Digitization and Firm Performance: An Ambidexterity Perspective. Paper presented at the Workshop on e-Business 2014, Auckland, New Zealand. (
  7. Saldanha, T., Waegelein, J., Khuntia, J., Kathuria, A., Andrade Rojas, M.G. 2015. “Do CEO’s Long-Term Performance Incentive Induces IT Investments? Theory, Evidence, and Industry Contingencies”. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Puerto Rico. (
  8. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Kathuria, A., Lee, HH. 2015. “Attaining Operating Performance through Pas De Trios of IT, Competitive Brokerage and Innovation”. Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Forth Worth, Texas. (
  9. Kathuria, A., Saldanha, T., Khuntia, J., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Hah, H. 2015. “Strategic Intent, Contract Duration, and Performance: Evidence from Micro- Outsourcing”. Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Forth Worth, Texas. (
  10. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Kathuria, A., Lee, HH. 2016. “How Competition Networks and Technology Influence Operating Performance Through Innovation: a Longitudinal Empirical Analysis”. Paper presented in the Strategic Management Society Rome Special Conference. Rome, Italy. (
  11. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Saldanha, T., Khuntia, J., Kathuria, A. 2016. “How IT Orientation Affects Obstacles and Facilitators of Innovation in an Emerging Economy”. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual (AOM) Meeting (OCIS Division), Anaheim. (
  12. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Kathuria, A., Lee, HH. 2016. “How IT Complements Positioning in Competition Networks to Enhance Innovation and Firm Performance”. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual (AOM) Meeting (OCIS Division), Anaheim. (
  13. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Saldanha, T., Khuntia, J., Kathuria, A. 2016. “IT Orientation effects on Obstacles and Facilitators of Innovation: An Emerging Economy Perspective in Mexico”. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), San Diego. (
  14. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Khuntia, J., Saldanha, T., Kathuria, A., Krishnan, M.S. 2016. “Growth Oriented Digital Strategy and Long- Term Compensation of Chief Executives”. Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland. ( . (Citations: 9)
  15. Kathuria, A., Khuntia, J., Saldanha, T., Andrade Rojas, M.G. 2016. “How Information Management Capability Affects Innovation Capability and Firm Performance under Turbulence: Evidence from India”. Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland. (
  16. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Kathuria, A., Farhoomand, A. 2017. Competition networks, information management capability (IMC) and firm resources. POMS 2017. 28th Annual Conference. Seattle, Washington. (
  17. Hazarika, B., Kathuria, A., Khuntia, J., Saldanha, T., Andrade Rojas, M.G. 2017. Portfolio Management for Private Equity Firms through IT Orientation and Portfolio Embeddedness. POMS 2017. 28th Annual Conference. (
  18. Khuntia, J., Kathuria, A., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Saldanha, T. 2017. Supply Chain Information Integration and Firm Performance: Evidence from India. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Boston. (
  19. Saldanha T., Kathuria, A., Khuntia, J., Konsynski, B., Andrade Rojas, M.G. 2017. Leveraging Digitization of Services for Performance: Evidence from the Credit Union Industry. Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, Korea. Best Paper Award, Track: General Topics. (
  20. Saldanha T., Khuntia, J., Kathuria, A., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Krishnan. M.S. 2018. CEO Compensation and IT investments. Digital Innovations, Transformation, and Society Conference 2018. New Delhi, India. (
  21. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Li, Y., Zhu, J. 2018. Social Innovation in Emerging Economies: An Ecosystem Built on the Collaboration between Firms and Government-Sponsored Institutions (GSI), and Knowledge Sharing. European Marketing Academy Annual Conference. Glasgow, UK. (
  22. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Li, Y., Zhu, J. 2018. Social Innovation in Emerging Economies: An Ecosystem Built on Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual (AOM) Meeting. (
  23. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Lin Y. 2019. The Difficult Choice of SMEs for Green Innovation: Government-vs-Firms? An Operations Digitization Perspective. POMS 2019. 30th annual conference. (
  24. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Lin Y. 2019. SMEs and Green innovation: Government or firms? A green digitization perspective. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Cancun. (  
  25. Tang, Z., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Tung L.L. 2019. The Role of Personal and Environmental Attributes in Cyberbullying Victimization in Adults. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Cancun. (
  26. Jia Z., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Tung L.L. 2019. The Role of Media Richness, Victim-offender Relationship, and Demographic Characteristics in Cyberbullying: A Country Wide Investigation. 2019 INFORMS Annual Meeting. (
  27. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Saldanha T., Khuntia, J., Kathuria, A., Boh, W.F. 2020. “Overcoming Deficiencies for Innovation in SMEs: IT for Closed Innovation versus IT for Open Innovation”. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Hyderabad, India. (
  28. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Saldanha T., Khuntia, J., Kathuria, A., Boh, W.F. 2021. “Overcoming Innovation Deficiencies in Mexico: Use of Open Innovation through IT and Closed Innovation through IT by Small and Medium Enterprises”. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. (HICSS). (
  29. Kathuria, A., Saldanha, T., Khuntia, J., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Hah, H., Mithas, S. 2021. “Inferring Supplier Quality in the Gig Economy: The Effectiveness of Signals in Freelance Job Markets”. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. (HICSS). (
  30. Andrade Rojas, M.G., Lin Y. 2020. “Keep your friends close and enemies closer? Enterprise social capacity and competitive intelligence capacity”. POMS 2020. 31st annual conference. (
  31. Singh A., Andrade Rojas, M.G. 2020. “The Antecedents and Consequences of Cyberbullying in the Workplace”. POMS 2020. 31stannual conference. (
  32. Halim, J., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Zheng, Y., Boh, W.F. 2021. “Consequences of Forking in Blockchains: A Network-Based Approach”. POMS 2021. 31st annual conference. (
  33. Adityaraj, R., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Zheng, Y., Boh, W.F. 2021. “Consequences of Forking in Blockchains: A Network-Based Approach”. POMS 2021. 31st annual conference. (
  34. Rahmati, P., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Saldanha, T., Tiwana, A. 2021. “How IT Investments Reduce Corporate Fraud: Role of Firm and Industry Complexities”. Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE), Austin, Tx. (
  35. Zheng, Y., Andrade Rojas, M.G., Boh, W.F. 2023. “Examining the Survival of Forked Blockchain Projects: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective”. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2023, Nanchang, China.